Seven Question Slam: Mrs. Thibault

October 6, 2014
I recently requested an interview with my math teacher to know more about what she’s like.
Q: If you could chose 3 songs to play during passing time what would you choose?
A: Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline
One Republic – Counting Stars
Hootie & the Blowfish – Only Want To Be With You
Q: What was your first car? What is your dream car?
A: A Mazda. A Volvo.
Q: Do you like to watch any sports?
A: No.
Q: What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
A: The Jetsons.
Q: If you weren’t a teacher what would you be?
A: A stay at home mom or daycare provider.
Q: If you could have one superpower would would you have?
A: Behavior control for students by telepathy.
Q: What is your favorite topic to teach?
A: Rational expressions.
Q: Who is your celebrity crush?
A: Ben Affleck.