Seven Question Slam: Mrs. Schmigle

December 21, 2015
Q: If your were not a teacher what would you be?
A: If I was not a teacher, I would like to be an Interior Designer.
Q: What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A: First I wanted to be a princess obviously, then I wanted to become a doctor and after that when I was a little older I wanted to be in a band.
Q: Who is your celebrity crush?
A: I would have to say either David Beckham or Vince Vaughn.
Q: What is your favorite song?
A: “Where’s My Mind” by the Pixies.
Q: What is your favorite topic to teach?
A: I really like teaching 3-D and contemporary projects.
Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
A: I would like to make people nice, you know like the fairies in Sleeping Beauty when they turn the swords into flowers.
Q:What was your favorite TV shows as a kid?
A: When I was a kid I really liked Punky Brewster.