Seven Question Slam: Mr. Schofield
September 30, 2016
Mr. Schofield, a physics teacher, recently took the time to sit down with The Breeze to answer some questions.
Q: If you were not a teacher, what would you be?
A: Had I not gone into education, I would have been a police officer or a Marine.
Q: What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A: A police officer or a Marine
Q: If you could have dinner with a historical person, living or dead, who would it be?
A: The Dalai Lama. I have had the opportunity to see him talk twice and I find him awe-inspiring. And I’m a Buddhist.
Q: What is your favorite restaurant?
A: For atmosphere: Brick Alley in Newport; for quality of food (all vegetarian): Chase’s Daily in Belfast, ME.
Q: What is your favorite movie? Why?
A: Blade Runner. Philip K. Dick is a great author and this movie was a nice take on his book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. Directed by Ridley Scott, a great director, with nice cinematography for the time. Soundtrack by Vangelis. Wonderful.
Q: What is your favorite topic to teach?
A: The gravitational forces involved with collapsing stars, neutron stars, and black holes.
Q: What is the subject you would least like to teach?
A: English. I give credit to English teachers for being able to read thirty versions of an essay. Ugh. I could not do that, my attention span is too short.