Berkley Middle School Students Visit SBRHS

Colby Yokell, Co-Editor

Last week, eighth grade students from Berkley Middle School visited Somerset-Berkley in order to familiarize themselves with the regular routines of students and staff as well as take tours around the school.  Students were paired in groups of six with three Big Buddies who acted as tour guides.  They were able to meet some of their future teachers including Ms. Bowers (Art), Mrs. Gloster (Food and Nutrition), Mrs. Andrews (Art), Mr. Almeida, Mr. Berube, and Mrs. Mollicone (Gym), Mr. Marshall and Mr. Bianco (Music), Ms. Burgmyer (English), Ms. Sheehan (Chemistry), Mr. Adams (Graphics), Mr. Croke (Robotics), Mrs. Schmigle (Art and Graphics), Mrs. Pereira (Spanish), and Mrs. Ayer (Business).  Furthermore, students were given advice on time management and getting involved in clubs, sports, and other activities.

Juleen Guirand, an eighth grader from Berkley Middle School, plans on getting involved in sports such as soccer, track, and softball when she enters high school.  She reflected that the tour was a “very good way to get a look around the school” in order to make it easier for the transition next year.  Guirand’s favorite part of the tour was being able to see the library.  “It was huge,” she said, “and it’s cool that you can meet your friends there during a study if you get a pass for the same period.”  At the end of the day, many of the nerves that the eighth graders were feeling had been relieved, and many were left feeling excited for the new opportunities awaiting them.  However, Guirand admits that, even though she is looking forward to high school, she will miss the teachers at Berkley Middle School and all of the fun activities students are able to take part in, such as Eagle Day (a field day where all the students celebrate the pride they have for their school), Camp Bournedale (a camp students go to in sixth and seventh grade during the week before April vacation), graduation, and Canobie Lake (every year, the eighth graders take a class field trip to the amusement park in June).  She hopes to “meet new people” in high school and “get great grades and go to a good college” as well as taking part in new and unique experiences like Case Rally.