College with Kylee: No. 6

“The Potential Benefit of “Reach” Schools”

Kylee Schecter

Let’s be honest; applying to a school with an average accepted student SAT score of 1500+ can be scary. (And by scary, I mean terrifying.) But, college decisions can really surprise applicants; so why not? Here are some reasons why that “reach” school is worth applying to:

  1. You might get in!
    1. College admissions is essentially the luck of the draw…and you could potentially defy the odds! Ivy League-type schools are extremely difficult to get into, with their sub 20% acceptance rates, but you may be lucky enough to get an admissions officer that really identifies with your story and sees you for who you really are. A good handful (or less) of “reach” schools can be great opportunities to throw your hat in the ring and see what happens!
  2.  You might have the opportunity to connect with other great schools
    1. I’ve heard about this from Georgia Tech specifically; some “reach” schools may connect you with similar institutions that are interested in applicants like you! I personally will always click on the option to be connected with other schools, because you never know what will happen!
  3. You may learn about how to apply in the future (grad school, etc.)
    1. While it’s possible to be rejected from “reach” schools, you might learn something about yourself. Many people find themselves looking back and realizing things about their applications. Just as an example, I was watching a YouTube video where a student talked about how they look back on their Stanford application and realize that how they portrayed themselves did not align with Stanford’s core qualities. By being rejected, you can learn how to fix your resume and how you present yourself to help with applications for post-baccalaureate education or for the workforce. 

Leave us a comment and let us know if you’re thinking about any reach schools!