Breeze Holiday Wishes!

Kylee Schecter

Happy holidays from the Breeze staff! As we transition into the season of kindness and giving, we here at the Breeze felt it was important to give an opportunity for SBRHS students to have an opportunity to express their gratitude for others! We put out a google form where Raiders could share their holiday wishes for others, and these were our outcomes:

“Serena, Happy Holidays!”

“I’m so thankful for Mia Carlson and her being in my life and continuing to make me happy everyday.”

“I’m so happy to have the Breeze, it’s a great place to express creativity and just such an amazing community!”

“Happy holidays Ms.Burgmyer, thank you for being so wonderful!”

“Happy Holidays Kylee!”


Thank you to all of those who participated, you all make the season brighter!