The New Year is starting and this is the time where a lot of people reflect on their year and see what has happened throughout that year and see what things they have accomplished and what they haven’t. It’s super important for everyone to do this because it gives you a self check and you can really think about what goals you accomplished and how you accomplished them and what goals you haven’t accomplished and why. You really need to keep yourself in check and make sure you are headed on the right path for the future. The New Year gives us an opportunity to wipe the stake clean and start fresh.
Before the New Year starts or whenever you’re reading this I want you to sit down and write your goals for the New Year. Write specific goals that you want to accomplish and write them in detail. We all have goals, desires, and dreams that we want to achieve and every year we can try and be better than we were the previous year by holding ourselves accountable and writing this list of goals. Really take this time of year to think about what makes you happy and implement that more in your life and take out the things that don’t serve you anymore or things that don’t align with your values. Something I like to do is make a vision board because I feel like it helps me visualize what I want to manifest into my life and it gives me motivation and inspiration every time I look at it. You can make a vision board online or hand make it but put the vision board in a place where you can see it everyday so you don’t forget about it throughout the year. Something else you can do is deep clean your entire room to make yourself feel better because we want to start the New Year with a clean environment. Really go through your closet and take out the things you don’t need. If you want you could go shopping and buy new clothes that make you feel good and confident.
I know some people think that the phrase “ New Year, New Me ” is silly but why wouldn’t you take any opportunity that can help you change your life and make you a better version of yourself that you always wanted. Some things that you can do physically to help you feel good is to maybe go get a new hairstyle, try a new makeup look, go get a pedicure, and just have a day dedicated to yourself and doing things that make you feel good. No one is perfect throughout the entire year because that’s simply not possible but I don’t want you to strive for perfection I want you to strive for consistency. It’s ok to not follow through every day with your goals but do it enough that it becomes a part of who you are and who you identify as. Give yourself breaks but make sure you’re doing things that will eventually get you to your desired goal. It’s also about falling in love with the process of reinventing yourself rather than just wanting to get to that end point. So reinvent yourself for the New Year because your relationship with other people is an extension of your relationship with yourself.