The spring sports season is coming up and this is a great time to get into sports and try something different. The weather is slowly getting better and the possibilities are endless. Last year was the first year that SBRHS had a boys and girls lacrosse team. The sport was new to me as well because I’ve never played it and it wasn’t common around here. But I decided to try it out anyway and it was one of the best decisions that I’ve made. In case you are unaware of what the sport is, lacrosse is a field sport in which a ball is thrown, caught, and carried with a long stick that has a net at the end and the goal is to pass and shoot the ball into the opposing team’s goal. At first it was hard for me to grasp on the concept of lacrosse but the more that I played the easier that it got. It’s a really fun sport and it gave me a purpose and passion in life. I looked forward to going to practice and to bettering my lacrosse skills. We were off on a rocky start but with the guidance of our coaches we were really able to perform better and improve throughout the season. I made amazing memories last spring and I can’t wait to make more this upcoming spring season. If you want to do a sport this spring I highly encourage you to join lacrosse because it really is a unique and fun sport and it brought me joyful experiences and it could do the same for you if you give it a try. If you have never played before or haven’t played in a while I would recommend getting a stick and a ball and doing wall ball at home to prepare yourself before the start of the season. If you are confident in your passing and catching skills then that is the main thing you need in order to be successful in the season. There are many positions in lacrosse as well, there are attackers on offence, midfielders, defenders, and a goalie. If you know what position you want to play then I suggest you start practicing the drills for that position now so that you are ready when the season starts. Coaches will start to have informational meetings in these upcoming weeks so just be aware of that. The registration deadline for spring sports is March 10th and the first practice will be March 17th. Good luck and I hope you consider joining lacrosse this spring sports season. Lacrosse became one of my favorite hobbies in the past year and it’s important to get out of your comfort zone and try new things so you can learn and discover what life has to offer.
Why should I join lacrosse this spring season?
Aisha Imran, Editor
February 22, 2025
SBRHS Girls Lacrosse
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About the Contributor
Aisha Imran, Co editor
Somerset Berkley Regional High School Breeze co editor and photographer.