This is a perfect time to get into reading since the spring and summer season is approaching and we have more time on our hands. The days are longer and we have the opportunity to do the things that matter to us. Even if you don’t enjoy reading I am going to name the top 5 books that will spark your love for reading and make your time worthwhile. These self help books have changed my life and helped me evolve as a person and they can do the same for you.
#1 Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod– When I say that this is a good book, this is a GOOD BOOK. I absolutely loved reading this book and it opened my eyes to things I’ve never thought of before. It talked about how you don’t have to be like the 99% of people and waste your valuable morning by doing meaningless things instead it tells you how you can be the 1% and make the most of every morning. It outlines a morning ritual that you can implement to help you become the best version of yourself. This book is for everyone whether you are a teenager or an adult, this book is going to add value to your life. The morning ritual that Elrod talks about is going to make you a morning person and increase your productivity and overall well being. Specifically the things that you can add to your morning routine are Silence (meditation), Affirmations (mantras), Visualization (Imagining your desired reality), Exercise (Moving your body), and Reading. After reading this book I completely switched my routine and became a morning person willingly. To my surprise I looked forward to waking up each morning. I highly encourage you to read this book and think that everyone should read this at some point in their lives.
#2 Buy Yourself The Damn Flowers By Tam Kaur- Have you ever had those books that you wish you could read again for the first time. Well this book is one of those books for me. This book is all about self love and how to put yourself first. I had a lot of self discovery while reading this book. It is basically a self-love guide to growing, healing, and learning to put yourself first. Tam talks about boundaries and tapping into your true potential. You learn how to move on from the past and give yourself the attention and love that you deserve. It’s all about protecting your peace and being your own best friend. Whether you are in a relationship or not you should be the person who spoils yourself the most. Obviously have limits but treat yourself and don’t ever settle for less than you deserve.
#3 Atomic Habits By James Clear- Ah, yes we are bringing back the most popular and famous book in the world of self help books. This book really does live up to the hype and is a life changing read. If you procrastinate and don’t have discipline this is a good book to pick up. This book teaches you step by step on how you can start, build, and stick with a habit. It tells you how you can be 1% better everyday. It breaks down an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. It also has proof and statements from real successful people telling their story and how they ended up successful with the habits that they implemented in their lives. I am in love with this book and will keep rereading it until I master everything that this book offers.
#4 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think By Brianna Wiest– This is one of those books that’s like a life guide. This book has advice on literally any topic. It goes deep psychologically and tells you why things are the way they are. It explains how you can be emotionally strong and take advantage of your surroundings. It explores your thoughts, perceptions, and the way you experience life. It’s all about changing the mindset and being a more positive and happy person. I found this book fascinating and an interesting read. I definitely recommend this book and it will in fact change your mind for the better.
#5 The Pivot Year By Brianna Wiest- This woman definitely knows how to write good books. This is another amazing book and I am in the process of reading it. This book is like a 1 year life transformation book. Each page is a new lesson and it starts with Day 1 and goes all the way to Day 365. It’s not time consuming at all. You just read one page every day that will teach you something and set the tone for the rest of the day. I think it’s cool the way it’s structured and I find it very beneficial. I’m going to be a lot wiser by the end of this year, that’s for sure. This book has secrets to living your life to the fullest and if you are not a reader just try and read these books and I guarantee you will feel a lot better.