The world of sports is a fascinating world with a variety of different talents. Many people join sports to better themselves and participate in something that brings them joy. By definition an athlete is someone who is trained or skilled in sports or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina. An athlete participates in organized sports or competitions. Each sport is unique to each person. Everyone is able to express themselves in different ways in their particular sport of interest. I think it’s so cool watching people play and passionately talk about a sport that they love. Playing sports gives you a purpose in life and allows you to move your body and build endurance. Sports are huge in general worldwide such as the superbowl and other sporting events. I reached out to people from different sports and asked them to tell me why they chose that particular sport and what impact that sport had on them. I’m also going to talk about the sport lacrosse and how much that sport means to me and the impact that it had on me.
Aisha Imran for Lacrosse– Last year was the first year that Somerset Berkeley had the sport lacrosse. I never really knew what it was or how it even worked. But I wanted to try something different and put myself out there so I decided to do my research. I learned how to play the sport on my own and I had so much fun with it. I then joined the lacrosse team and lacrosse has just been my thing since then. I made so many connections with people and got good at skills such as catching and passing the ball with my lacrosse stick. Lacrosse has taught me so much about teamwork and helped me grow as a person. I will be forever grateful for the sport and I’m looking forward to the spring lacrosse season.
Ryan Latchford for Track– I chose to do track because it is the most honest sport out there. My hard work directly impacts my success- nobody else’s. The numbers will never lie, so it is rarely a question to determine who the best athlete is.
Evan Isidorio for Baseball- I first started baseball because my parents just signed me up for it one day. I had never thought about playing the sport until that day when my parents signed me up. It almost immediately became one of my favorite things to do. It has impacted me because it allowed me to meet lots of new people, coaches, and players. It has been something in my life that I have always been able to look forward to.
Olivia Enos for Cheerleading- I’ve been doing cheerleading since I was six years old and I’ve always just kinda had a thing for it. The sport made me realize that it was easy to make new friends and it taught me how to be outgoing.
Max Finlaw for Basketball- I decided to play basketball in elementary school not knowing what impact it would have on my life later on. I started playing because all my friends were and my older brother was. I didn’t start to take basketball very seriously until covid and that’s when I truly started to value basketball and it really changed my life for the better. I’ve made so many amazing friends and memories through basketball that I will cherish forever.
Julia Moreira for Softball- I first started playing softball in middle school when a couple of my friends had recommended the sport to me. I had always loved trying new sports, but soon I found myself falling in love with the game. Softball has given me friendships that will last a lifetime and has taught me lessons that I will carry with me in my everyday life. Some of my favorite memories are on the softball field and I will be forever grateful for the opportunities that the game has given me.
Cameron Coelho for Soccer- I have played soccer my whole life, and it has always been a big part of my life. I started soccer because of my parents. Since they are both Portuguese, soccer was the obvious decision as my first sport. I really liked it and stuck with it. Throughout my soccer career, I have learned a number of things such as teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of hardwork. All of these values have definitely shaped who I am today. I have met so many friends and have had access to tons of cool opportunities thanks to soccer and sports in general. Especially my freshman year, playing soccer at SB allowed me to connect and meet new people before school started which eased my transition into high school.
Isabelle Gomes for Dance- I joined dance when I was around 6 years old. I was looking for a team sport and always thought that dance was beautiful. There are so many different styles and variations of dance that it becomes the perfect combination of artistry and athleticism. I’ve met lifelong friends through dance and gained vital skills with teamwork, strength, passion, and confidence.
Karis Botelho for Field Hockey- I decided to play field hockey when I was eight years old because I wanted to try a new sport. I immediately fell in love with it and continued playing my whole life, along with playing in highschool. As an eighth grader I immediately knew I was going to be playing field hockey in the fall. I loved training for the sport. My coach made a huge impact on my love for the sport. She always talked to me and told me what I could work on. My dream was to always win a state championship and I’m so happy we finally got the job done and won this year! But I think field hockey has shaped me into the person I am today. I love running now and am so thankful for the amazing teammates and friends field hockey has given me.