YUM! “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe” Book Review

Sydney Mis, Contributor

“The Restaurant at the End of the Universe” is the second book in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” series by Douglas Adams.  Zaphod, Ford, Arthur, and Trillian venture out into space trying to help Zaphod uncover a hidden part of his brain that holds the secret of who really rules the galaxy behind the scenes.

I enjoyed this book a lot because the humor was amazing.  Adams again shows his inner humor, adding comic relief in some situations. While I liked the plot, to me it was not as intriguing as the plot of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide To the Galaxy.”  The plot eventually caught my attention about a quarter in, and from there I was hooked.  Confusion never lasts long, as Adams is soon to explain himself while leaving you to think for a page or two until he clears up the confusion.  I would have liked if the characters feelings were expressed more, especially Arthur and Trillian (the only survivors of Earth).  Overall, I enjoyed this book and the ending was perfect as it brought up the characters’ feelings more (especially the Earthlings).  It left off on a great place for the start of the third book, “Life, the Universe, and Everything”.