Boy’s Ice Hockey Team Finishes Strong

Colby Yokell, Co-Editor

On WednesFullSizeRenderday night, February 24, the Boy’s Ice Hockey Team played their last game of the season at their home rink, Driscoll Skating Arena, against Diman.  Preceding the game, all of the Seniors (Jared image3Silva, Joe Arruda, Justin Couture, Logan Santos, Brian Shea, Nate Goulet, Tai Medeiros, and Denver Weeks) were recognized for all of their hard work, determination, and sacrifice for their team throughout their career.

The Raiders quickly took the upper hand, continuing to pressure them offensively which kept Diman on their toes.  The Raiders ended the game with a image1-3win of 9-2.  Senior Logan Santos scored three goals for the Raiders throughout the game.  Senior Justin Couture (6), Junior Cam Hebert (3), Sophomore Matt Shea (21), and Freshman John Salamone (14) each scored one goal apiece.  Junior Brad Paiva (11) and Senior Tai Medeiros (17) scored their first career goals.  The defense remained strong, allowing the forwards to keep advancing and to continue having opportunities to score.  Goalie Lucas Souza (30) made incredible saves throughout the game.

The Boy’s Ice Hockey Team played an incredible season and left with a big win.  Congratulations on a great job by all, and Seniors know that you will be missed.image4