“Trump’s Historical Summit With Kim Jong Un In Singapore

Preston Khoury, Contributor

All countries are different; they have different ways of life and culture. However, some countries don’t get along on certain terms due to their ways. The United States and North Korea are two countries that seem to be like two kids threatening each other from opposite sides of the schoolyard. It’s been no surprise that North Korea has been a big topic over the news for many years. American news about North Korea doesn’t make the country look like the ripest in the global garden.

Very recently, President Trump stated that instead of exchanging threats with North Korea, we should attempt to make peace with each other. President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un came together for a momentous summit Tuesday that could lead a course for historic peace or raise the specter of a growing nuclear threat.  Kim said the sit-down was a “good prelude for peace” and Trump pledged that “working together we will get it taken care of.” This meeting was thought to be unthinkable; just months ago the two Presidents were threatening each other like a couple of teenage girls.

On Tuesday, June 12th, Trump and Kim met at a staged ceremony in a Singapore island resort at The Capella Hotel. They shook each other’s hands warmly in front of a row of alternating U.S and North Korean flags. After, they then went to have a roughly 40 minute one-on-one conference with one another. Trump and Kim were able to communicate well through the assistance of both of their interpreters. The conference was private, but we still got some details into it before and after it happened. “We are going to have a great discussion and I think we will be tremendously successful,” Trump said before their private session. Kim said through an interpreter: “It wasn’t that easy to come here. We have a past that held our ankles that keep us from moving forward. Wrong prejudice and practices have also covered up our eyes and ears. We have come here after overcoming all those obstacles”.

Before the meeting took place, Trump had predicted that the two of them might strike a nuclear deal or forge a formal ending to The Korean War in the course of a single meeting or several days. Kim had said something that nobody would’ve expected to hear. Kim remarked that many people watching “will think of this as a scene from a fantasy… science fiction movie”. The meeting was the first between the sitting U.S. president and the North Korean leader. A lunch meeting with the leaders and their aides featured beef short rib confit along with sweet and sour crispy pork.

Trump had spent a little bit of time in Singapore until his departure to Washington. Kim stayed a bit longer taking a tour around Singapore with its bright lights and glistening waters. People and critics of the summit leaped at the handshake and the moonlight stroll Kim took last Monday night, saying it was further evidence that Trump was helping legitimize Kim on the world stage as an equal of the U.S. despite Kim being accused of horrific abusive rights to his people. During his stroll, crowds yelled his name and jolted to take photos; Kim himself took a selfie with Singapore officials. Trump had stated that he was going to make stops at Guam and Hawaii before returning to Washington.

Trump had responded to that commentary Tuesday on Twitter, saying: “The fact that I am having a meeting is a major loss for the U.S., say the haters & losers.” Trump had also tweeted: “Meetings between staffs and representatives are going well and quickly…but in the end, that doesn’t matter. We will all know soon whether or not a real deal, unlike those of the past, can happen!” The summit caused a few days of confusing foreign policy for Trump, who had shocked U.S allies over the weekend by using a meeting in Canada of the seven industrialized economies to help alienate America’s close friends in the west. As they were lashing out over trade practices, Trump had backfired insults to his G-7 host, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trump had left his summit early, heading to Singapore. He tweeted that he was yanking the U.S. out of the group’s traditional closing statement.

The White House had stated that Trump was leaving early because negotiations moved more quickly than expected, but hadn’t given any details the day before the meeting. For weeks, this meeting was in preparation and was appearing to pick up its pace. Trump had been reviewing his material; he felt his instincts would matter most in the room with Kim. Some experts believe that North Korea is too close to be able to target the entire U.S with their nuclear-armed missiles. It seems a bit skeptical that Kim will give up those nuclear warheads. There also is hope that diplomacy can replace the animosity between the U.S and North Korea. Trump had stated to reporters that he will know immediately whether a deal can be made, saying: “I will know, just my touch, my feel. That’s what I do.” Will America and North Korea have peace with one another? Will the tension ease? Who can know for sure, it’s political.